Who is behind the scenes at Finishing Touches?

 Hey Y'all!

I'm Jowana- wife, mama, a Mimi and lover of all things leopard. I live in New Mexico with my hubby and fur-children ( my real adult children are close by!). 

I'm happy you're here! Finishing Touches is a place for creativity- jewelry, home decor, crafts, and so much more. There is something here for everyone!

You deserve to look and feel fabulous- and so does your home! I'm here to help you decorate your wardrobe with one of a kind accessories and decorate your home with worry free interior design.

I know your busy, trust me- I get it. It fulfills me to know I can help people feel amazing in a new piece of jewelry, by creating a custom craft, or by giving their home a face lift. 
Questions or concerns? Hop on over to my contact page to send me an email or a text. I'd love to hear from you!